We know you can write.

We'll show you how to RIGHT your college application essay.

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For many students, writing the essay is the most daunting task in the college application process. 


Many colleges and universities have made submitting standardized test scores optional for admission, so the essay can be the big differentiator in an intensely competitive process.


Work with an Independent Educational Consultant (IEC) to create a comprehensive strategy for college applications & a standout Common App essay.


Strategy & Planning:

✅  Comprehensive list of colleges & universities

✅  Application strategy (EDI, EDII, EA, REA, RD)

✅  Student assessment to identify strengths, academic interests, and potential topics for essays

✅  The 10-Step Guide to Navigating College Applications

✅  Maxwell DISC Student/Career Assessment


Writing Instruction:

✅  Common App + Supplementals for Top 3 applications, &/or Transfer Essay

✅  Academic Writing 101: An Introduction

✅  The three most important components of any body of writing

✅  What colleges are looking for

✅ Red flags that you definitely don’t want to showcase in your essay

✅  What’s a personal statement, and what does it look like on the page?

✅  How to approach short-answer essays

✅  The 12 Most Common Mistakes Students Make


Follow-up, one-on-one coaching:

✅  Follow-up 1:1 Coaching sessions

✅  Review & feedback via Google Docs on Common App essay, supplementals for Top-3 schools, and Common App Activities

✅  On-demand library access to 17 video recordings of 2.5 hours of summer workshop instruction

✅  Transcription & handouts from videos


We’ve helped high school students just like you disconnect from the noise and get this college application monkey off your back.  


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Tim R. (Student)

“I wanted to let you know that last night I was admitted into the University of Washington!!! I want to thank you for everything you did to help me reach my goal. I ended up getting into every school I applied to! Thanks again.” 

Marnie B. (Parent)

“ESSAY CURE strengthens a critical part of the college application — the essay! Her fun, easy-to-follow approach helps students relax, stay focused and create an essay that will express their strengths and uniqueness. Parents can breathe a sigh of relief knowing Christine has their backs! Thank you so much!”

Paige C. (Student)

“Hi Christine!!! I got into UVA!! I am so excited to be attending there next fall and this couldn't have been achieved without your help! Thank you so much for everything and my family will definitely be contacting you when my younger brother starts the application process! Go hoos !💙🧡

Heather M. (Parent)

“Christine at ESSAY CURE was amazing support and guidance. Christine worked closely with our daughter to find her voice in the writing. As we know, each college doesn't have the same essay requirements and Christine was able to take the framework and help with the different nuances as they applied to various schools. The results were amazing. She got into every college she applied to, ultimately choosing Clemson. We are counting down to moving day. We are thankful!”

Darian B. (Student)

“So, I was one of those students who put all of her eggs into one basket. I knew I wanted to go to the UO, & it was the only school I applied to. I didn’t realize it at the time, but my entire college application essay was built on a “phrasal verb.” I had no idea what that even meant but by the end of the process, I was confident that at least I was using a phrasal verb correctly. :) I also made one of the biggest mistakes most students make. I’m super grateful that I got that corrected before I hit ‘submit.’ Go Ducks! :)”

Nathan P. (Student)

“Christine is very supportive and she genuinely wants you to be satisfied with your essay. She is super proactive when it comes to editing/composing and gives advice that I still remember today when writing. The biggest thing I gained was how to approach an essay and the attitude when tackling a prompt, which is something I struggled with before. Christine answered questions really thoroughly, even giving examples that made writing easier. I would recommend ESSAY CURE to anyone applying to college or looking to improve their writing skills. She really wanted me to feel confident about writing and her advice always seemed to be focused on quality writing. In the end, I got into my top choice, U.S. Air Force Academy!”

Damion H. (Parent)

“Christine did an outstanding job working with our son. She was insightful and quickly helped him shape a great essay for several universities. Christine was thorough and responsive throughout the entire application process. I am confident that her help was instrumental in his successful acceptance at the University of Virginia. ESSAY CURE has my highest recommendation!”

Molly W. (Parent)

“Christine with ESSAY CURE is truly amazing! I would highly recommend ESSAY CURE to any family with a student heading off to college. Christine is available, punctual and flexible. She really helps her students to think on their own so their unique individuality is represented in their essay. My daughter took the class and without hesitation we will be signing up again when her brother is ready. She is now off to Virginia Tech. We couldn't be more proud! This class is a must, you will not be disappointed! Thank you, Christine!”

Emily W. (Student)

“I got into UVA!!! I am so thankful for all of the help you gave me in writing my Common App essay and preparing me to write my other supplements. Also, just all of the college help you gave me in general was so useful. I am very sure that my essay was one of the reasons I was able to get in. I am so relieved to have gotten through this process with the success I wanted and I am so thankful that you helped me through it. Thank you so much!”

Nolan H. (Student)

“I just heard back from UVA, and I got accepted early decision! Thank you so much for all the help you gave me, it definitely helped. As I did early decision, I'm done applying to colleges. Thanks again for all your help.” 

Elizabeth B. (Student)

“Thank you, Christine! I’ve been admitted to all the colleges I’ve heard back from so far: Georgia Tech, Cornell, Clemson with $20K/year in merit, UVA, Wesleyan College with $15K/year in merit, and WashU. ESSAY CURE helped make the college process much less stressful.  

Overall, ESSAY CURE definitely made the college process a lot easier and less stressful to navigate. I would definitely recommend ESSAY CURE to a friend and I know ESSAY CURE would be super helpful to parents who are stressed about college stuff coming up next year.” 

Carolyn H. (Student)

“GUESS WHO JUST GOT INTO NOTRE DAME! Thank you thank you thank you for everything, I couldn’t have done it without you!” 

Kim G. (Parent)

“Hi Christine! Kayla just got accepted. I literally can't believe it!!! We are so grateful for all the help you gave her. I'd love to write a review or do anything that I can do to say thanks. This is literally her dream come true.”

Introducing “RIGHT My College Application Essay” 

A straightforward guide that makes use of the author’s extensive experience. …

“Please don’t use the word passion in your college essay. Period. Instead, show me what passion led you to do.” In moments such as these, Gacharná’s conversational frankness is refreshing.” —Kirkus Reviews


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My story in a nutshell  ➝

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While sharing my time and talents as a writing instructor with my teenagers and their friends, all of whom who were looking to land acceptances into their dream colleges, I noticed a familiar pattern: students white-knuckling their way through a rough draft, concentrating most of their efforts on the mechanics of writing (grammar, spelling, and punctuation) without understanding the academics of academic writing

My ah-ha moment led to ESSAY CURE.

Academic writing is a technical skill that demonstrates a student's understanding and synthesis of material. It’s not a draw-from-the-depths-of-your-soul bookclub bestseller; it follows formulas. We start with the college application essay because college — what if you get in? We build on what students have already learned in high school to bridge the gap between high school English Lit and academic writing at the undergraduate level. We hand students the formulas they need to be successful in college writing assignments.

Writing is NOT a “soft skill.” Communication serves as an essential component in an interconnected and global economy, as any professional who does not master confidence in communication suffers greatly as a result.

Student holding up folder that says N yes!
Student holding up Hokie
Student holding Congratulations UW
Student holding up Virginia Tech Hokie
Student holding up folder that says N yes!
Student holding Congratulations UW
Student holding up Hokie
Student holding up Hokie